The UPS Store
Coupons & Discounts

We provide fax, business cards, and all your copy needs; plus, we have private mailboxes for rental. We pack and ship ANYTHING -- even antiques and furniture!
$10 OFF Three Months of Private Mailbox Rental
Valid at Odana Road location only. Must purchase minimum of three months rental. No cash back. Discount applied to purchase amount prior to tax or tip. Only one coupon per person or group per day. Not valid with any other coupon, discount, mobile app or Bucky Book offer.
2-For-1 Color Copies
Valid up to 2,500 copies. Valid only at The UPS Store on Odana Rd. Copies must be printed from file or autofeed (excludes hand placement). Must present voucher at time of order. Only one voucher per person, per day. Not valid with any other coupon, discount, special promotion, Mobile App or Bucky Book offer.
The UPS Store
6666 Odana Road
, WI